Thursday, 5 November 2009

Daisy Chains - XML blogger template

Sorry for my lack of posting of late. I am been a busy busy {busy!!} bee!

Where do busy bees hang out when they're not doing regular things? Why in fields of daisies of course! This is a pretty simple template with ~everyone's favourite thing~ rounded corners. It's simple but sometimes simple is good. Enjoy!

PS: Header image by D Sharon Pruitt. xox

click for a live preview


  1. giska love firda

  2. hey,can you make a christmas template please!!!! make it pretty!! and wintery!!! please!!! my email address is

  3. Hey,

    I was wondering how easy the photograph of daisies would be to replace? Would it be a simple HTML swap? And if so, what?


  4. Hi Luniae: Oh yeah, really easy to change. There are two ways of doing it.

    METHOD #1:
    If you want it to fit perfectly you'll have to make the new header image 900 x 286px. Then go to the LAYOUT > EDIT HTML window of Blogger.

    Scroll down a little through the html (or search) for the image URL:

    ... and replace this URL with your new header image.

    Remember that as that I have the alignment of the text in the upper right hand side you'll have to make sure that your main image is not in that area.

    METHOD #2 of doing this is as follows:
    - scroll through the html and REMOVE the image URL: Remove this URL completely and SAVE.

    - GO to LAYOUT > PAGE ELEMENTS and click on the "header" area. Upload your own header image (900x286px) and save. If you do it this way you'll have to make sure you have the blog title as PART of the image.

    I hope that all makes sense. Let me know if you have any questions.


  5. Ahh sorry, I meant to say that the text is aligned to the upper left. Not the upper right!

  6. Thanks for the tips!
    Only I'm having a problem downloading the template, it says the file is not valid. Do you know what's wrong?

  7. Oh no, I'm not sure! That's weird (it's a zip folder).

    email me at and I can email you the template if you like. cheers xx

  8. I've just started blogging and this is the first template I've used. Thought it makes my blog look really nice. Thank you very much.

  9. hi!
    i love your templates and used some of them before, but i have some trouble with this one....
    my posts "double" themselves, e.g. they appear twice. when i go to the layout side (where i can add gadgets, arrange all the sidebar-stuff), two "blog-posts" gadgets appear. do you know why? is there anything i can change in the html?
    thanks for your help!
    have a great day!


  10. I love your template, use that to my blog:)
    Excuse my English, but do not write very well


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