Saturday, 24 October 2009

Simple Simon blogger template XML

This is a pretty simple template with a navigation bar (editable from within the Layout > Page Elements tab) which looks fantastic when you upload a header image into - either a new header or an image behind the title/description (hope that makes sense, let me know if it doesn't and you want step-by-step instructions).

The background and innner blog colours are changeable from within the "Fonts & Colours" area but the navigation bar is made of images so you're best to stick with greeny type colours.

click for a live preview


  1. Great blog Sharnee.I liked your templates. Would like try one of these for my blog.
    Thank you for visiting my blog.

    Hope to stay in touch.


  2. Hey, love your site. It's really cute and very helpful. I used the css from your 'lil piggy' layout for my site and left your credit on. I hope that was ok.

    ♥ e.s. ^_^


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