Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Flowery Fringe - gorgeous orange/pink Blogger template

One of my most popular templates is Flower Pink Border (yeah, not a very creative name I know) and I have been meaning to make it into another colour FOR-EVER! So here is a pink/orange gradated template with a white background!! I hope you enjoy it as much as the original template. More colours will be coming soon!!!

(click for a live preview - the preview looks more awesome than the small grab!)

Important: Kind thanks, again, to gvalkyrie for the most amazing Photoshop brushes ever!


  1. I just wanted to tell you I use your layouts on all 3 of my blogs (two public & one private). You keep amazing me with your talent!

  2. Awwww, shucks guys thanks so much for the lovely comments. :)))

  3. This pretty, I'm using your change me template and it's working for me

  4. It looks awesome! I think it'll look greater with blue/green.

  5. Love that! It´s easy to change the colour of the flowers to a custom design, its clean and fresh and its girlish!

    Thanks a million, Baerbel

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. hi..i wanna ask about this template..for your info i use this template for my blog.

    my problem is i want to adjust for 3,how i want to adjust the line pink to be wider so that the column is not overlap with the line pink..?

    pliz help me dear..


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