Sunday, 4 October 2009

Find me a Poppy Posy - free XML Template

1This is a beautiful template with 2 columns (or is it 3 columns?) that you may say slightly resembles the new look to People are always asking me if they can have the same template as me and - yes - now you can. Although it is slightly different of course.
If the red highlights aren't you're thing, just change the colours in the Fonts & Colours tab. Enjoy.

click for a live preview

Please ensure that you backup your widget data, as installing a new template will wipe/erase your current widget content.
  • To download the xml template: click here
  • Preview the site here
  • Need help installing this? Click here

1 comment :

  1. i cant copy any of your template..surprisingly..none..i used to be able to copy not a single thing.everytime i tried to download, it will go into loading for a minute then nothing will appear..i tried more than ten times.oddness!


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