Monday, 21 September 2009

Lolly Popcorn - free XML template

Oh my gosh!!!!!!! It's not very often that you come across a completely awesome site that offers fantastical things for you to use for free but I have found one >> (why oh why didn't I see this site before????) that offers background images.

BUT.... not just any old boring background images! You can scale and change the colour of the images very easily and then download them and then use them!!! So stop dilly-dallying and go look at the awesome patterns {here}.

Here is a template using one of those patterns:

click for a live preview

Please ensure that you backup your widget data, as installing a new template will wipe/erase your current widget content.


  1. It's beautiful! I can absolutely see why you love it.

  2. simply nice and sweet!

    ps you're invited to comment on my post too =)

  3. I have just used your 3 column template. Thank you!

    I have posted your nifty button on the side and wanted to tell you. :)

  4. Thanks for letting me know who you are because I totally (probably) wouldn't have had a look if you hadn't let me know! I'm so glad you're blogging again and I can't believe you're just over an hour or so up the road from me! It's a small world after all, etc. xox


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