Thursday, 20 August 2009

Pinky Pants - XML template

I liked the layout of Black & White Elegance that I've made a pinky one....

click for a live preview

(also, there are google ads in the preview site -- there are, of course, none in the downloadable template.... unlike some sites out there that put their ads in your templates! Shame on them!)

Please ensure that you backup your widget data, as installing a new template will wipe/erase your current widget content.


  1. I absolutely love this template :D It's so pink, girly and perfect! Thank you :)

  2. Sorry, but this template is terrible! :S

  3. Julia you're so lame! What exactly makes this template terrible?

    I really like it - it's simple and elegant.... which leads me to think you have no taste... OH WELL.

    (*nothing like an anon commenter.. sigh*)

  4. Thank u so muuuch for this nice template,Sharnee.

  5. i love this template...and i'm planning on using them...
    but can i make some adjustment on its size???

  6. Thank´s! It´s Lovely! <3

  7. i try putting it on my blogspot but it says line 1 content is not allowed in prolog? someone please help :(?


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