Friday, 21 August 2009

It's so easy - XML template: 3 columns

click for a live preview

Please ensure that you backup your widget data, as installing a new template will wipe/erase your current widget content.
PS: the inner blog colour is #F1F9DC - just incase you want to have your google ads blend in like I have on the test blog.


  1. Hi there! My email address is - I really like your "It's retro baby" template but when I went to install it, I was warned that all my widgets and applets were about to be destroyed. is there any way to install it without doing that? I've got link lists that I've spent a long time developing. Thanks!

  2. Hi Athena,

    It's normal for the widgets to be deleted once you change your template - unfortunately this is just how it is with Blogger. If you have link lists that you want to copy over then I would recommend you use Google reader to manage your link lists which means you can import them into a new template with only a few clicks rather than copy and paste each one (which is a pain in the ass).

    Read my blog post about it here:

    I know that it's a pain posting all your gadgets/widgets back into a new blog but there are some hints or sites that give instructions on how to transfer them across but it's kinda tricky but google that to see what you can find (I haven't been able to find a reliable method).



If you're having issues, PLEASE leave an email address I can contact you on - and also don't forget to leave your blog URL. Please also read my FAQ which are >>> HERE

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