Saturday, 29 August 2009

Change Me! - Free XML Blogger template

OK, so I am going to admit that this template is not going to be to everyones liking. There are a lot of things that are changeable in this template and as such the "Fonts & Colours" area is kind of extreme and almost everything is adjustable. However, this does make for awesome control - you can pretty much make this template into whatever you want. AND.... it contains no images in the design!

click for a live preview

Please ensure that you backup your widget data, as installing a new template will wipe/erase your current widget content.
So.... what's possible?



The moral of this story is that I KNOW this isn't going to be everyones cup of tea but I know some people like to control all the colours and this is for you! If you want the borders to disappear then make them the same colour as the background! Then they won't be seen!



  1. Not only is this template perfect for my needs, but it's actually fun! Love your site! It's got quality and quantity.

    My only question is how do you center an image for the header? When I insert one instead of using text, the image keeps aligning to the left.

    Thanks again! I really appreciate all the time and effort (especially for a mom of twins!!)!

  2. Sorry, nevermind. I think it's just that particular browser. The image is centered in other browsers.

    But Yummy Lolly still rules! :D

    I was looking for a template which I could adapt ...If you want to look for yourself: here is the link:

    greetings from germany

  4. You rock! I've been after a 3 column template since my Typepad days.

  5. wow! thanks so much for this template! :)
    Your creations are great.

  6. this is great. Thanks so much for this template.

  7. I'm currently using this, but I want to know how do you add a background? Not change the color of the background, but add an actual background?

  8. why i cant download this template???
    help me

  9. i cant download this, what happen yea? please, help me. i realy want it.


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