Tuesday, 18 August 2009

Black n White Elegance - 3 column blogger template

OK, so the small preview image below looks kind of lame, but if you click on it to preview the site, you'll see that it looks a lot better full size. Also, how awesome do the adsense ads look in there? (I hate it when they never really look quite right!).

click for a larger preview
(go on, it looks heaps better bigger!)

Please ensure that you backup your widget data, as installing a new template will wipe/erase your current widget content.


  1. I love this!!!

  2. hii! i love your templates! i'd really like if you could make a "reggae" one.. green, yellow and red colours! it'd be amazing!

  3. I love this :D so i´m using it now ^^ TY :D

  4. Hello! What size should I make my header for this template? Thank you!!

  5. I am using this template.....just thought you'd like to see what I've done with it! :-) Let me know. Also, is there a way to make the text unjustified? It looks weird justified:-)


  6. How can we customize the tabs under the header? at the moment, they barely show up? Thanks!

  7. AGAIN: (For blogger.com)
    How can I customize the tabs for the pages underneath the header? At the moment, the text is too small to read. I would like something that makes it stand out. Thanks!!

    WOOPS, sorry, I didn't leave my blog address and email address




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