Tuesday, 24 November 2009

Frilly Fancy template. Yes, it may slightly resemble underpants.

I have a few templates to post this week, so please come back and check them out! I hope you like them. Please feel free to leave a comment letting me know if you use my templates or if you like them. I love getting comments {do not bother with the spam or advertising, I'll delete it straight away, der!}.

This template is delightful. Pink. Blue. Simple patterns yet awesomely feminine. I hope you like it.

click image above for a live preview

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  1. Underpants?!!!

    I think this is my favorite Yummy Lolly template of all time!

  2. Haha, pretty much anything with frills makes me think of underpants.

    Glad you like it though! ;-)

  3. thanks so much! i love your layouts... this is my 3rd that i've gotten from you. i used this one for my blog! www.lollyandme.blogspot.com

  4. I love frilly laces! :D
    And I have always love your design.
    I was wondering, if I want to change the font of the big title of my blog -the header- can you help me? How can I change it?

    I use it for my online shop. www.rishanasstyle.blogspot.com

  5. I love your blog. The templates are beautiful. This I like for my blog. Abrazos

  6. This template is way too cute! I'm using it for my blog^^
    Thank you for making such cute templates!

  7. Such a cute design~! I'll definitely use this <33 Thankies so much \(^^)/

  8. thanks for sharing your super pretty and cute template! xoxo

  9. How to use the code ? please , i really love this template

  10. I love this background and am now using it for my blog. it is so pretty and it looks great with my new header. Feel free to check out my blog at http://wouldliketobeayummymummy.blogspot.com

  11. Thankyou for this gorgeous design!! I love it so much! I am still in the process of creating my blog but feel free to check it out on ittybittypolkadot@blogspot.com :) Ta! Sam


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