Monday, 23 November 2009

A Dream Girl for Dan - clean and classic pin up template

Here is an awesome template with a sexy pin up girl in the header area. It's clean and classic and subtle yet beautiful! I really love this template! I have added a little embellishment under the sidebar headers. Oh and as I have the main background white in the below test site [click for a live preview, it's sooo pretty!] you can change that background colour in the "Fonts & Colours" area. Enjoy xx

click for a live preview

Please back up your widget data before installing a template!


  1. This is PERFECT! Just what I needed... thanks so much! :)

  2. Thanks Michelle ;-)

    And Glamour Bomb: Dan is a friend (who loves pin-up girls as it would happen) but he's not very lucky in love :(

  3. Beautiful beautiful beautiful! I really like it just how it is, but am afraid that using it with the pin-up girl just doesn't suit my blog :( Is there any way I could insert another picture in her place? What a lovely design!! My favorite template of yours in a very long time!

  4. Hi Amanda,
    Ahhh, yeah sorry, I guess that a pin-up girl isn't for everyone. Is there anything specific you have in mind for a header image? Maybe I can help you out there.


  5. I love the pin-up girl! If I had another blog that it would be appropriate for, you know I'd use it! But sadly, my blog is used to keep family & friends in the know about how my husband & I & our two Great Danes are doing while we live overseas! So a pin-up girl isn't quite right... Not sure what I'd rather have in her place, though! Hmm... I like the gray color & that she has a white background to blend with the rest of the template! I just don't know what type picture, though!! So so sweet of you to reply about this!

  6. i cant download it , error thingy
    i really want to use this :(

  7. Hi,
    I'm using this template for my food blog but the post keep duplicating at the end ... ?

  8. Hi Sharnee,

    I'm using this template. I find it gorgeous. Well done!

    However,the post it keeps on repeating. i checked and i notice in the layout that there are 2 'blog post' box.

    let me know if you know how to get rid of this double posts. thanks.

  9. I decided to update my blog and use this. Thanks so much for sharing it with us!

  10. Love this layout so so much ..
    thanks for the share =)

  11. btw how to hide the pin-up girl ? i just need the clear background..thanks

  12. email me > thanks before... really need your help

  13. Amanda your job is amazing :)
    I think that this template would be perfect for me, but is it possible to remove the pin up girl ad enlarge the post column? My images are large 600 pixels
    Thank you :)


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