Saturday, 17 October 2009

Kids at Play - Pink, Blue, Orange Blogspot templates!

Here are some more colour combos of the Kids at Play template.

I am obviously super confused and left the blog description of "Orange Version" in each of these grabs, so please excuse that. They are not, obviously, not all orange versions.

I haven't made test blogs of all of these but you can see a test site of the green version and just imagine the background is in another colour.

the orange version:

the pink version:

the blue version:

I am a nice person and if you want a different colour combination (like yellow and blue, purple and green etc) then please send me an email and I'll make the new image for you and email you instructions on how to change it. My email is:
Please let me know what colours you want the 'inner' and 'outer' area and also, let me know the colours you want, hex# if possible (chose your own #hex colour adventure here).

Oh, and PLEASE be patient, I don't have as much time online as I wish.


  1. these are so lovely and fun. great for kids

  2. Lovely template. I am looking for something close, but more babyish....have anything close???


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