Monday, 19 October 2009

1950s Slumber Party Redeux - 3 columns, with and without martini

Aggggges ago I made a template called "1950s Slumber Party" (ok, I know it's obviously an adult slumber party if you're going to be drinking Martinis!) Anyways, someone asked me to make it into a 3 column template.... and here it is:

click image above for a live preview
(with martini)

Click image above for larger screen grab
without martini
(because not everyone is into martinis)

Please ensure that you backup your widget data, as installing a new template will wipe/erase your current widget content.
  • To download the xml template (with Martini): click here
  • Preview the site here
  • Need help installing this? Click here

1 comment :

  1. Hey, thank you so much for this layout, it was just what I was loooking for :D
    So, I download this layout and then, like I did everything right, just as you said, but then i get a massage telling that i don't have any skin, so, what can i do?
    Can you answer me soon?
    Thank you

    ( i don't know if you understood my english cause i am from brazil and i just graduated lat year so i'm not a expert, haha


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