Wednesday, 22 July 2009

Stamp-O-Rama - Free XML Blogger template

Here is a super cute mail themed design! I love it!
You can change the background colour in the "Fonts & Colours" area of Blogger! Enjoy!

click for a live preview

The design works with "new" blogger - ie: it's an XML template. Please ensure that you backup your widget data, as installing a new template will wipe/erase your current widget content.
>> Please note that if you have a really really really long blog title or description, things might go a bit weird.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. OMG guys, stupid spam comments WILL NEVER BE TOLERATED. Find another way to generate sales for yourself. Lame!

  3. thank you, Sharnee... I use this design for my new blog which I dedicate for my mom. She passed away a year ago. your designs...all of it!


If you're having issues, PLEASE leave an email address I can contact you on - and also don't forget to leave your blog URL. Please also read my FAQ which are >>> HERE

I advise you to also "subscribe to the comment feed" and get email updates when I respond to your question.

Spam/advertising comments will NEVER BE TOLERATED and will be deleted immediately!

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