Wednesday, 14 October 2009

Oi, you! Click out of that reader!

So if you read this blog in Google Reader (or similar) then you are missing out on seeing some serious colours right now. Yes, I have re-designed Yummy Lolly - so click out of that reader and give your eyes a treat for once! Your eyes, they are starving!

If you've been coming here for a little while then you'll know that I've had the same font in the header for aggggges. I love it! It's probably one of my most favourite fonts ever and I am a big jackass who's never stopped to thank the wonderful designer of the font - because you definitely should know who designed it!

Thank you, Lauren from Nymphont, thank you!The font I'm using is called "LT Chickenhawk"

You should all head over to her site and see what goodies she has over there!


  1. I love the new layout! It's so fun and....well yummy!

  2. YUMMEEEEEEEE NEW LAYOUT! Well done. So pretty. And fun to read as always.

  3. Awww, thanks guys! So glad you like it! <3

  4. I love the colours too, will check on there for mine I guess.

    Nice blog.

  5. What a fun look!! I like the narrower background margins, too!

  6. Thanks for mentioning me here. I get a lot of comments from visitors of your site. I am glad you chose my font again for you new layout, it does look great :) Keep up the great work.


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