Tuesday, 11 August 2009

Cupcake Icing - Free Blogger XML template

It's no secret that I like cupcakes. They are pretty and delicious!

click for a live preview

The design works with "new" blogger - ie: it's an XML template. Please ensure that you backup your widget data, as installing a new template will wipe/erase your current widget content.


  1. I love this template design, but is there any way I can switch it the three column layout like that one on "It's so Easy"?

  2. Hi Betsy,
    Ahh, this template is made up of a few images. I can possibly convert it to the 3 col one (like "it's so easy") but I don't have time just yet. Email me if you want: freebloggerdesigns@gmail.com

  3. i don't understand how to download it :( but i like it so much :'[

  4. Hi! I installed this design on my cooking blog but the posts are being published twice.... How do I correct this? When I check my posts under edit posts there is only one post.


  5. Never mind, I checked the faq and everything works fine now!

    Love the design! It's perfect!

  6. Hey there,
    I've just uploaded this template to my blog & I love it! I'm pretty new to blogging & as I'm no techy, have been looking for something to replace my boring blogger template for weeks. Your designs are lovely, congrats on a great site & good luck to you! My blog is http://rebeccabakescakes.blogspot.com if you want to see it live.
    Thanks again, R


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