Tuesday, 21 July 2009

And by the way Version II .... - free blogger design

Soooo.... one of my most popular templates was {And by the way....} so I decided to update it a little! I love the quote so much and think it's perfect for blogging so here's volume II:

click for a live preview

The design works with "new" blogger - ie: it's an XML template. Please ensure that you backup your widget data, as installing a new template will wipe/erase your current widget content.

PLEASE NOTE: That your blog header title/description will NOT SHOW UP! I have created the design this way so that the Sylvia Plath quote is visible and your blog title is hidden. I have included the Photoshop layered file in the zip folder and blank jpg and blank gif... so if you want to change it yourself... you easily can (assuming of course you have some kind of image editing software)!

More colours coming soon.... I might do a green one and a pink one (assuming I have time).
Let me know if you have any questions


  1. Hi there, i love your templates! but i just cant seem to find icons other than this white ribbon u used in this template. Did you create it yourself? I was wondering here to find this kind of cute ribbon. thanks :)

  2. Hey Sharnee! I hope you read this comment! I loved the By The Way II ♥ and I was wondering if you could make one similar, but with a black background..or something like that..
    But anyway, loved the two! I'm from Argentina so please, be clear answering hahaha

    Thank you!

  3. Hi Carow: yes, I will try and make one with black in it.

    I don't know when, but I will try and do it soon!


  4. Thank you so much!!
    http://kidxvicious.blogspot.com take a look ;)

  5. Hey~ i love your layout but i was wondering if i could change the header, because i love the header and the quote and all, the only problem is that it doesn't quite fit my description as i have creativity but if it was drawing or something, i have my self doubt on it. so i was wondering if i could just edit that part?

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. AH! Thank you so much for making such cute templates! I love that I finally figured out to get a template I like! THANK YOU!

  8. Hey~ you might not remember me, but i asked for the header so that i can make my own quote. I wanted to do something new to it, but it seems like i already deleted the email you sent me without saving the files on my computer. So I was wondering if you could send me the header picture again? My email is coolcay318@hotmail.com. Thanks! ><

  9. srry~ it's suppose to be coolcat318@hotmail.com

  10. I love this template.
    <3 Kisses for you.

  11. I absolutely love this template!!!! Any chance there will be 3 colummns soon? This template ROCKS!!! Thanks so much for your great work!

  12. Hi,

    I changed the header on my own but when I try to upload it with blogger, it doesn't want (error). Can I change it on html ?

    thank you


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