Saturday, 10 October 2009

I don't mind Ivy - 2 column pink blogspot template

Here is a fairly simple yet pretty pink Blogspot template with fantastical background by Jen Furlotte from Pixels & Icecream.

{{I know that some of my designs often appear simpler than those offered on other sites but I guess you have to understand that I ensure that (99% of) my templates look great on all browsers.  And I also try and make sure that every font and font colour is customizable.  A lot of other templates aren't that adaptable}}

click for a live preview

Please ensure that you backup your widget data, as installing a new template will wipe/erase your current widget content.
  • To download the xml template: click here
  • Preview the site here
  • Need help installing this? Click here
PS:  Did you miss my Halloween Blogger template with rotating header images?  Click here to see! It rocks!


  1. Hi, I'm writing because I've just installed your template 'Whimsy' on my blog:


    Actually, it was hard to choose one template because all your works are so perfect!

    My blog is about me and my fiance, our conversations and cooking.

    Greetings from very cold Poland! :-)

  2. can i use it for 3 column blog??


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